Missing May The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When she died and all her brothers and sisters passed me from house to house, nobody ever wanted to take care of me for long… (1.4)

Summer may have lived in lots of houses as a kid, but none of them really counted as a home. It's only when she comes to live with Aunt May and Uncle Ob in their rusty little trailer that she understands what a home is.

Quote #2

Home was, still is, a rusty old trailer stuck on the face of a mountain in Deep Water, in the heart of Fayette County. It looked to me, the first time, like a toy that God had been playing with and accidentally dropped out of heaven. (1.6)

This doesn't exactly sound like the description of a dream home to us, but it's pretty much heaven to Summer. She can tell it's a place where she'll be very happy and well looked after, which is all that matters at the end of the day.

Quote #3

Whirligigs of Fire and Dreams, glistening coke bottles and chocolate milk cartons to greet me. I was six years old and I had come home. (1.14)

Uncle Ob and Aunt May sure know how to make a six-year-old feel at home. When Summer enters the rusty little trailer, she doesn't care that it isn't a mansion—she just wants to play with the magical whirligigs and eat all that delicious food.