Missing May Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But I felt like one of those little mice who has to figure out the right button to push before its food will drop down into the cup. Caged and begging. That's how I felt sometimes. (1.12)

Summer's young life isn't exactly a walk through the aisles of Toys-R-Us, and she has a pretty rough time of it with her Ohio relatives before she's taken home by Aunt May and Uncle Ob.

Quote #2

We have not done much of anything since, except to miss May and hurt. I never would have thought us to be so lost. We used to be tougher than this. (2.3)

It's been six months but Uncle Ob and Summer still feel the pain of losing May. How long does it take to fully grieve someone? You get the sense that they don't know—and they're desperate for the pain to recede.

Quote #3

But we're not strong anymore. And I think Ob's going to die, truly die, if I can't figure a way to mend his sorry broken heart. And if Ob does go, goes off to be with May, then it'll be just me and the whirligigs left. (2.41)

Oof—as if little Summer didn't have enough to worry about already, she has to try to keep Uncle Ob alive so that she has someone left in her life. She can't even properly grieve Aunt May with something this big hanging over her head.