The Mysteries of Udolpho Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Send away the girl," said he, "and I will tell you more." (2.12.59)

Oooh, Barnardine is good. He knows that the key to getting Em to do what he wants is to separate her from loudmouth Annette.

Quote #8

"All that is required of you will be to sign your name to this paper." (3.5.9)

Even though Em figures out Montoni's game pretty quickly, she's no match for his quick wits and ruthlessness. As soon as one strategy fails, he's on to the next one.

Quote #9

"O! you do pity me, then, you do love me! Yes, you are still my own Emily—let me believe those tears, that tell me so!" (4.1.7)

Valancourt is up to his old tricks again. It's hard to believe he wants what's best for Em when he keeps trying to push her buttons.