The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 1, Chapter 6 Summary

  • The scholars at the College of Lucidity have a supplier who gets them all their stuff for their experiments.
  • The supplier's name? Druggett. (Get the pun in his name? Drug… get…)
  • Druggett's kind of like a Davey Crockett guy—he braves the Wild West and trades with Native Americans (or "savages of the Iroquois Nations" as they're painfully referred to in the text).
  • He brings back all sorts of crazy plants and animals to fulfill the scholars' needs, and one time, when Octavian was four, Druggett even brought back a dragon's skull.
  • Octavian took to the skull so much that he wore it on his head.
  • He wouldn't take it off and cried so hard when they took it away from him that they let him keep the skull in his room, where he'd sleep with it like it was his favorite stuffed animal.