The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 2, Chapter 17 Summary

  • Months go by. Life goes on as usual for Octavian and Cassiopeia, while around them, everyone is gearing up for war.
  • Merchants are stockpiling because the city's in lockdown.
  • People are expecting riot, famine, and sickness, and rumors of smallpox spreading are in the air.
  • On June 1st, the Port of Boston closes and, basically, England withdraws all of its governmental support in the town, instead installing a General to oversee the city.
  • Families leave the city, and the only people who stay or move to the city are Tories, a.k.a. people loyal to the English crown.
  • There are public prayers, fasts; other cities send Boston flour and rice.
  • The College flees into the countryside, packing everything up to go to the house of one of Mr. Gitney's brothers.
  • The house is in Canaan, Massachusetts, where they set everything up like they're back at the College.
  • They hear news about the colonials rising up against the remaining signs of British government—courts, government officials.
  • In the middle of all of it, Bono is given away as a Christmas gift to a trustee of the College.