The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 3, Chapter 24 Summary

  • A letter, dated June 29, 1775 from Mr. Sharpe (in Canaan) to Mr. Asquith:
  • They've caught Octavian. (You saw this coming, right?)
  • Mr. Sharpe reports that a Canaan militiaman saw a Negro fiddler in one of the companies, who could play both folk songs and the works of European masters.
  • Hearing that, Mr. Sharpe quickly went to the militiamen's camp in Cambridge and found Private Goring, who told him everything he needed to know to confirm Octavian's identity.
  • He doesn't think, by the way, that Goring worked with Octavian to hide Octavian's identity, so he doesn't think that they should take legal action against Goring.
  • Anyway, he thinks Goring is foolish, temperamental, childish, and too trusting.
  • Oh—and Octavian didn't really struggle either.
  • He did a little at first, sure, but once he saw that he didn't have a chance, he stopped and has since fallen into silent submission.