The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 2, Chapter 25 Summary

  • Mr. Gitney calls Octavian into his room one night.
  • On the table is a pistol; Mr. Gitney looks really depressed.
  • He asks Octavian if he's heard of anything, or read some kind of secret communication, but Octavian has no idea what Mr. Gitney is talking about.
  • Mr. Gitney keeps asking him if he's sure he knows nothing—and Octavian assures him that this is so; he's completely in the dark.
  • Then Mr. Gitney asks him if he knows how much Mr. Gitney likes him and how much freedom Octavian has had in the house.
  • Octavian assures him again and starts talking about the dance he'll be playing at that evening.
  • Then he leaves.
  • Only, Octavian the narrator tells us that his young self just lied to Mr. Gitney.