The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 3, Chapter 1 Summary

  • Note: Each chapter in this section is either a note, a letter, or some other personal document.
  • This chapter is a public notice that Octavian's run away.
  • There isn't anything we don't know already, except that he's described as handsome, lanky, really tall, wearing a frock-coat and breeches of green satin, with a waistcoat that has silk and floral embroidery on it.
  • Oh—and that he's the property of Josiah Gitney, so people better not deal with the run away or else they'll have to deal with the law.
  • If they do give him up to Gitney, they'll get five pounds (£).