Our Mutual Friend Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You cultivate society and society cultivates you, but Mr. Riah's not society. In society, Mr. Riah is kept dark; eh, Mr. Twemlow?" (14.13.56)

Mr. Fledgeby is very clear on the idea that Mr. Riah (as a Jew) is a social outsider. This is what makes Riah such a perfect scapegoat for Fledgeby's dishonest business practices.

Quote #8

"Sir […] I do as I am directed. I am not the principal here. I am but the agent of a superior, and I have no choice, no power." (14.13.77)

Mr. Riah does his best to explain how he can't act any differently than the way he does. If he's going to be Fledgeby's scapegoat, he'll at least be honest about it.

Quote #9

The old man looked into Fledgeby's little eyes for any sign of leave to be easy with Mr. Twemlow; but there was no sign in them. (14.13.83)

Mr. Riah is constantly hoping that Mr. Fledgeby will take pity on the people who've borrowed money from him. But again and again, he is disappointed in this hope.