Perfect Chapter 40 Summary


  • Andre notices Jenna is "disintegrating." It started a week ago, after Kendra got the modeling job.
  • Kendra and her mom can't stop talking about it, and Jenna's disgusted that her mom's ignoring Kendra's eating disorder.
  • Andre tells Jenna she should be happy for Kendra, and Jenna gets angry.
  • Needless to say, it's not exactly the best moment to come out as a dancer.
  • Jenna tells Andre that her family never notices her unless she does something bad, like getting bad grades, at which point they freak out.
  • Andre says that if they're paying for Jenna's car insurance, she owes it to them to get good grades—after all, if she doesn't, it will cost more.
  • She says he's taking everyone else's side, and that he's just like her dad. Andre disses her dad (as well he should), and Jenna, surprisingly, stands up for him.
  • Andre thinks Jenna feels left behind because her dad's giving all his attention to Shiloh, which is why she can't accept Andre's love.
  • Their next date is to a jazz festival, where he finally tells her about the dance thing.
  • Jenna's no more into jazz than she is ballet, but she's into some guys nearby drinking beer, because they can buy it for her.
  • They buy her two, and she offers one to Andre, who refuses. Jenna drinks both.
  • Jenna says it's cool that he's a dancer, but she doesn't really care. What she cares about is scoring more beer, which she goes off to do.