Perfect Theme of Sexuality and Sexual Identity

Pop quiz: You have a pretty, popular girl who's a cheerleader, and a fashion-trendsetter guy who's enrolled secret dance classes. Which one's gay? Surprise! It's the former.

Despite the whispers of Jenna's friends in Perfect, Andre's actually hetero. However, Cara Sykes, girlfriend of the star (male) baseball player, is getting busy with another girl on the side. She's struggling big time with labeling herself as a lesbian, though, because she's already swimming in a sea of other labels that don't fit. It's only when Sean forces the truth with photographic revenge that Cara is forced to publicly come to terms with her sexuality. It's not an ideal way to come out, though it certainly expedites the process.

Questions About Sexuality and Sexual Identity

  1. Do you think Cara has any idea she's gay before she meets Dani? Does she know she's attracted to girls, or does she just know she's not attracted to Sean?
  2. Why do Dani's friends say Cara isn't "lesbian enough"? Why do they doubt her sexuality?
  3. How is Cara able to survive Sean distributing her sex pictures? What helps her keep her sanity and self-respect?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Dani is confident enough in herself to stand up to her friends when they make snide comments about Cara. She proves to Cara that it's possible to be authentic and proud.

Conner is the one person who's ever shown Kendra love and respect. Still, she doesn't trust him enough to ask who else he's slept with, instead putting her own physical and mental health at risk to keep his approval.