Princess Academy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She had never imagined that her sister yearned to be at the academy, perhaps as much as Miri longed to be welcome in the quarry. Miri snuck Marda an extra helping of honey when her back was turned and wished she could think of something that would make it right. (12.69)

The sibling roles have changed—now it's Marda's turn to long for an opportunity that Miri has. Even though she's the younger sister, Miri feels responsible for finding a way to make Marda's dreams come true.

Quote #5

He held her tighter, and when his breath shook on a sob, Miri did not need to hear any more words.

He was sorry. She was his flower. They would be all right. (14.132-133)

Finally Miri understands that her father isn't ashamed of her—all this time he just wanted to protect her from the quarry because he doesn't want to see her hurt. It's not a reflection on her weakness at all.

Quote #6

She sang her thoughts down into the linder, sang of her family, their pallets cuddled close on a freezing night. She hoped Pa or Marda might hear her memory of home and understand that Miri needed them. (21.80)

When the bandits come, all thoughts of Prince Steffan and the royal palace leave Miri's mind—all she cares about now is reaching her family and coming home to them. She just needs to see her pa and her beloved sister again.