Punkzilla Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] I told him about how […] you're dying of cancer. When I heard myself say it out loud things got really f***ed up and I like started punching myself like in my face and in my neck and I was suddenly crying like crazy […] (12.63)

Here's some more misplaced aggression: Jamie can't punch Lewis or P or Alan Skymer or cancer, so he punches himself. In case you were wondering if self-injury is about anger—yeah, it often is.

Quote #8

I asked her if they had kids and she said they almost did but they lost it and I said "Like at the grocery store?" and she said no that it died right after it was born and man that was shocking to hear P. Mad shocking. (19.58)

Jamie learns all kinds of stuff about the human condition while on his road trip, and he does it in a matter of days. After losing a child and having a breakdown, Marty tries to seduce Jamie into being her son. (Yeah, it makes us want to take a hot shower too.)

Quote #9

I got to Memphis 6 days ago. You are dead and I can't believe how s***ty this world is. I'm sorry P. I'm so sorry I didn't make it sooner. (21.2-5)

Jamie does get to say goodbye to his brother, but P's already unconscious by the time he arrives. Jorge manages to make the world a little less terrible, though, by offering to take Jamie in.