Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Stop helping each other," he said in his graveled whisper, "if you wish to live." (36.9)

Wow—future-Somiss isn't any more chill than present-Somiss. His instructions to the boys at the magic academy are, well, strict and serious-sounding. Who would actually make a rule that people aren't supposed to help each other? The wizards in this world would, apparently. Seems like they're not big on teamwork.

Quote #5

Then he leaned close to whisper. "Did you see any king's guards this evening?" (29.20)

When Franklin asks Sadima if she's seen any royal guards, it draws attention to the fact that the king has guards to enforce his orders. Of course Sadima doesn't even know what they look like—we're guessing the king's guards don't have much business in tiny farming communities like the one Sadima grew up in. Maybe flying under the radar isn't such a bad thing after all.

Quote #6

Sadima watched as Franklin's feelings flickered through his dark eyes. "They sold you?" (43.16)

Welcome to a land where slavery is legal, where slaves are bound to their masters for their whole lives, and where free parents can choose to sell their children into slavery. Which is exactly what happened to Franklin. Sadima is horrified—those aren't the rules she grew up with, so she can't even fathom how parents could choose to sell their children.