The American Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Ah, you are a strong man!" (7.3).

Valentin's being sarcastic. The fact that Newman doesn't smoke shows that he's an outsider. This would be a-okay…if Newman didn't so desperately want to be an insider.

Quote #8

"But I will admit that I was conceited." (8.52)

Part of Newman's narrative about himself is that he used to be a little stuck-up. Used to be? Used to be?! Newman's a good guy, but he's definitely more image-obsessed than a Youtube celebrity.

Quote #9

Love, he believed, made a fool of a man […] (13.1)

This belief is integral to Newman's identity. He's willing to be a fool for a while, but even he has limits. Especially when he's been made into a fool by the fact that he sticks out like a red, white, and blue sore thumb in Parisian society.