The American Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It strikes me that your marriage is to be rather a matter of vanity." (3.64).

Mrs. Tristram is no dummy. She knows exactly how the game is played.

Quote #5

"Oh, you have thanked me enough." (4.22)

Secretly, Newman loves people thanking him for his generosity. One of the things he's proudest about is being a Bill Gates-level donor.

Quote #6

"In the course of the suit some revelations were made as to his private history which my sister found so displeasing that she ceased to defend herself and washed her hands of the property." (8.14)

In other words, Claire gave up a whole lot of money because she's too proud to be besmirched by dirty business dealings. That's the kind of pride we can get behind…although it does ultimately end with her locking herself in a convent rather than, say, marrying for love.