The Demon's Lexicon Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He had always assumed that Alan never lied to him, and now the idea that Alan might lie, might already be lying, was like being asked to read in school. He felt panicked, not knowing what to say. He had a picture of words stacked up around him, caging him in, and not one of them could he trust. (6.188)

Yup—when your reality shifts, when you realize that something you've always counted on might not be true, it can be a real spirit crusher. Because if the truths on which you've based your beliefs aren't true at all, then what is?

Quote #8

There were neatly tended gardens, fresh paint on the doors, and general sense of well-being about the whole area. Here, suggested the blooming flowerbeds, people were comfortable, families were secure, and above all, children were sheltered.

Nick knew it was an illusion. These people hurt each other as much as all families did… (11.2-3)

You can't judge a book by its cover, and you can't judge a neighborhood by its flower gardens. Even the most well-kept house with the most manicured lawn and the most pristine paint job can hide some dirty secrets.

Quote #9

When Nick came in, [Mum] was sitting on a stool, straight-backed, dealing cards for herself on her bed. She turned a smiling face to the door and saw him. …

Nick realized that he always thought of her at her worst, during the screaming fits or the times she had to be medicated. She was always at her worst when Nick was there. (12.26-27)

D'oh—that's a connection Nick's never made before: that the common denominator in his mother's bad moods is… (ouch) him. She's always at her worst when he's around, and he has no way of knowing what she's like when he's not.