Virginia Shreves Timeline and Summary


Virginia Shreves Timeline and Summary

  • Virginia makes out with Froggy Welsh the Fourth on Monday afternoons after school. They've French-kissed a lot; now she's hoping he'll get up her shirt.
  • She sends a lot of emails to her best friend Shannon, bemoaning how her parents just don't get her.
  • Her mom takes her to visit Dr. Love about her weight. Froggy happens to be in her room, hiding under the bed, when Dr. Shreves comes to take her to the appointment.
  • Virginia decides there's no way Froggy will ever want to make out with her again.
  • She also decides she doesn't want to make out with him again when she finds out her brother date-raped a girl.
  • Virginia goes numb. Any sort of sexual activity suddenly seems sinister and gross.
  • She deals with the numbness and her family's inability to talk about what happened by rebelling. First step: she buys a ticket to Seattle without her parents' knowledge.
  • Virginia flies to Seattle to spend Thanksgiving weekend with Shannon; while there, she gets her eyebrow pierced.
  • She comes home, buys a purple dress at Strawberry, where she's always wanted to shop, and dyes her hair purple, too.
  • At school, she makes a new friend, Alyssa, and they found a webzine together called Earthquack.
  • With her newfound confidence, she finally—finally—kisses Froggy Welsh in public.