The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Resources


Official Author Site

Want to learn about all Carolyn Mackler's books? Start here.

Goodreads Reader Reviews

What do other teens think of Virginia? Find out here, and add your own opinion.

Date Rape Resource

If you or somebody you know has been date raped—or if you'd just like to better understand date rape—this is a great place to start, and it has links to places you can contact for help if you need it.

Articles and Interviews

TeenReads Interview

Virginia flew from New York to Seattle alone, but Mackler took the same trip in a Toyota.

Bookslut Interview with Carolyn Mackler

As opposed to, say, the Bookvirgin interview.


Stackgirl Interview

In which the "power YA triumvirate" of David Levithan, Carolyn Mackler, and Jay Asher sit down for a chat.

A Librarian's Take

Teen librarian Dianna Leighton, of the Mark and Emily Turner Memorial Library in Maine, reviews the novel.

A Seriously Righteous Babe

Ani DiFranco started her own record label, Righteous Babe, when she was only eighteen, and has since recorded more than twenty solo albums. Check out a few of her songs—we especially love the funky studio version of "Both Hands."


The Earth, My Butt, and an Audiobook

Here's the Audible version, narrated by Johanna Parker.

NPR's Talk of the Nation Talks About "Dear Bully"

Mackler was a bullied teenager and wrote about it for an anthology. Here she discusses the shame and lack of self-esteem bullying can cause.


Could She Be Cuter?

Here's our lovely author.

We Kind of Love His T-Shirt

Mackler and Jay Asher sign copies of their collaborative novel The Future of Us.