The Maze Runner Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Maze Runner? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The kids were put into the Maze because:

They've been bad. Very, very bad.
A really, really wealthy-but-bored child's parents paid for them as playthings.
They are part of an experiment to find out what kids would do under really crappy circumstances—and this will somehow save the world.
Someone thought it'd be fun. It's fun at those Fall Festivals, right?
Q. The kids can't remember who they are because:

Someone manipulated their memory so that all they knew was the name they'd been given.
They all have severe substance abuse problems. The Maze is actually rehab.
They rode that thing at the playground where there's just a platform and handles and you spin and spin and spin and spin… which just left them thoroughly confused. And dizzy.
They've been hypnotized.
Q. They are mostly scared of:

The unknown—why are they there? What's outside the Glade? Who are they?
The Grievers. Man, they're creepy.
The Flare.
All of the above. Especially Gally, the poor sap.
Q. Why is it so important that they maintain a sense of order in the Glade?

Because, Alby said so, dag nabit.
Without order, they'd fall into chaos, ruin, depression, and probably die.
They're all suffering from OCD, but at least it's really clean.
Because otherwise the toilets would be really nasty.
Q. Why did Alby sacrifice himself to the Grievers?

He thought it'd tickle.
He didn't want to live anymore.
He remembered the Flare, and was more scared of going back to that than dying. Oh, and because it was a noble choice, saved everyone, blah blah blah.
They told him to.