Thérèse Raquin Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

They looked at one another without desire, with timid embarrassment, pained at their own silence and frigidity. Their ardent dreams were ending in a strange reality: it was enough for them to have succeeded in killing Camille and marrying one another, it was enough for Laurent's mouth to have brushed against Thérèse's shoulder, for their lust to be sated to the point of disgust and horror. (21.6)

On their wedding night, Thérèse and Laurent's previously insatiable lust is now satisfied by the mere touch of Laurent's lips on Thérèse's shoulder. The couple's desire is gone. Now there's only horror. And yet Zola still insists on telling us that they're not suffering from guilty consciences. Mhm, whatever, Zola.