Touching Spirit Bear Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sudden hot tears clouded Cole's vision. This was called Circle Justice, but it was no different than being in a jail. Once again he was being abandoned by people who wanted to get rid of him. His parents were probably glad he was a million miles away from their world. They wanted him locked up like a caged animal. (2.59)

The first time Cole goes through the Circle Justice experience, he doesn't trust it because he feels like it's just a way for the world to get rid of him. He doesn't believe that they're actually trying to help him.

Quote #5

Cole rocked back and forth on his feet. Nobody cared about him. Nobody understood him. Nobody knew what it was like living with parents who wished he wasn't alive. (3.2)

Talk about wallowing in self-pity. Cole has a seriously hard time forming relationships with people; instead, he just assumes everyone else hates him and wants him gone forever.

Quote #6

All of the landscape, the air, the trees, the animals, the water, the rain, all seemed to be part of something bigger. They moved in harmony, bending and flowing, twisting and breathing, as if connected. But Cole felt alone and apart. (8.25)

Even though Cole has been sent to the island in order to reflect on his mistakes and learn how he's part of a bigger picture, he still sees himself as apart from everything and everyone—even nature.