Touching Spirit Bear Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Cole felt helpless as he watched the Tlingit elder disappear across the water. This time he stayed barely long enough to unload supplies. Didn't he care? Wasn't he mad? Cole returned to camp and spent the rest of the day carving. (22.15)

Though Cole wants a second chance at being on the island, he has a hard time whenever Edwin leaves. After all, it's tough being all by himself, unable to talk to a single other person.

Quote #8

Being confined allowed Cole more time for schoolwork, but also more time to think about being alone. Some nights he cried himself to sleep from loneliness. He couldn't help it. The silence became overpowering, and he longed to hear another human voice. (24.21)

Things aren't so bad on the island when Cole can be outside all day, but the winter becomes pretty brutal. When he's alone in his cabin, he starts to feel pretty darn lonely and wonder when he'll talk to another person again.

Quote #9

During the long nights, Cole thought a lot about Garvey, about his mom, and about his dad. Had his father changed at all? And what about Peter? Cole still could not think of a way to help him. Edwin had said during his last visit that Peter was growing more bitter and depressed, hardly talking to anyone, even his parents. (24.22)

Even though Cole and Peter don't exactly get along (especially after what Cole did to Peter), they're still suffering from something similar—this sense that no one in the world understands or cares about them.