Autobiography of My Dead Brother Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If a white cop sees you with a cap gun, he's going to use it as an excuse to shoot you," White Clara said. (10.6)

The criminal element in Jesse's neighborhood isn't just citizens—it also includes some dirty cops. Which leaves us with one question: who polices the police?

Quote #8

"You did the drive-by?"

"I dropped the word," Rise said. "Let's go over some more of your pictures." (11)

Rise is like, let's see, today I ate two bowls of cereal for breakfast, got my nails done, checked my Facebook, and killed several people. It's scary how casual he is about it.

Quote #9

I hated drugs. And almost everything that was going down wrong in the hood was based on people dealing. (12.31)

Jesse sees drugs as the source of most of the misery in his neighborhood. Do you think he's right? Or are there other forces driving the problems in his community?