The Boxcar Children Resourcefulness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"A ladle, of all things!" cried Henry. "Where did you get it?"

"I found a tin cup in the dump," said Jessie. "We used a long stick for a handle and tied it to the cup with a piece of wire. It makes a fine ladle." (7.68-7.69)

Mama always said that a ladle made out of trash makes soup taste better. Just kidding. Please don't put trash in your soup. Or, not without cleaning it really well first.

Quote #8

"We'll have to put lots of logs on, with brush between them," said Henry. "We'll put on so many that the water can't get through." (8.21)

When Henry's first attempt at a dam doesn't work, he's not discouraged. He keeps at it until he's built the swimming pool of his dreams.

Quote #9

When everything was ready, Jessie rang the dinner bell. This bell was only a tin can from the dump. Jessie had hung it on a tree with a string, and she rang it with a spoon. (8.29)

Tin cans are clearly an all-purpose item in the Alden household. The best part is that when Jessie rings it, Benny automatically knows it's supposed to be a dinner bell. It's like a shared hallucination.