Choices Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Jacob to Jared:] "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Leah belongs wherever she wants to be." (13.245)

Jacob doesn't believe in pack mentality. He wants everyone to have his or her own choice.

Quote #5

[Jacob to Leah:] "Imprinting is just another way of getting your choices taken away from you." (16.127)

Jacob believes that imprinting takes away your options in the realm of love. At the same time, he acknowledges throughout the story that he has no choice but to love Bella. So what's the difference for him, between imprinting and simply falling in love?

Quote #6

[Leah to Jacob:] "I just want to have options I don't have, Jacob. Maybe if there was nothing wrong with me, I would never give it a thought." (16.138)

Leah admits that she wants certain choices, just because she knows she can't have them. If she did have those options, she wouldn't care about them. Is that a common reason for people to want choices?