Briar Rose Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"What family?" Mrs. Berlin asked. "I always thought I was all her family." "Until we came along," Becca added, remembering how often Gemma had said, "This is my family," loudly and with such outlandish pride at every graduation or Honor Society induction or ball game that they had all been embarrassed. (16.13-16.14)

Why did Gemma always make such a big deal about her family? Why did it seem outlandish or embarrassing to her granddaughters?

Quote #5

"Tell me again why you searched for your birth mother." … "Because…" he whispered, "what's past is prologue." (16.53 and 16.59)

Here's Stan, who's a bit of a dork, quoting Shakespeare to Becca. He means that the past has an important influence over the present. It sets the stage, so to speak. Next thing you know, he'll be pulling out a skull and putting on his best Hamlet.

Quote #6

Clearly her father was still troubled about the trip because within days Becca got three phone calls, one from Sylvia, two from Shana. (16.80)

That's a lot of calls—especially when you consider this was before the days of cell phones and family plans.