Brokeback Mountain Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Brokeback Mountain.

Quote #4

JACK: What if you and me had a little ranch somewhere, a little cow-and-calf operation, it'd be a sweet life. I mean, hell, Lureen's old man, you bet he'd give me a down payment if I'd get lost. I mean, he more or less already said it.

Jack never lets go of his early dream to share a ranch with Ennis, but Ennis is always resistant, brushing away Jack's hopes as worthless fantasies.

Quote #5

JACK: "King of the Road."

When Jack hears of Ennis's divorce, he thinks his dream has come true. He believes that Ennis divorced Alma for him. But Ennis is about to shatter his hopes.

Quote #6

ENNIS: Texas? Sure, and maybe you can convince Alma to let you and Lureen adopt the girls. Then we could just live together, herding sheep, and it'll rain money from L.D. Newsome, and whiskey'll flow in the streams, Jack, that's real smart.

JACK: Go to hell, Ennis Del Mar. You wanna live your miserable f***in' life, you go right ahead. I was just thinkin' out loud.

A man can only have his dreams dashed so many times before he snaps. This is the moment where Jack finally realizes that he can never have the life he dreams of with a man like Ennis. He'll either need another dream, or another man.