The Chocolate War Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"[…] and let me point out that this sale is strictly voluntary, Trinity forces no one to participate against his wishes, this is the great glory of Trinity […]" (13.44)

Mmhm. Sure it is. Here, Brother Leon is manipulating his students by saying the exact opposite of what he means. It's effective, too. When they hear him say the word voluntary, they know they have absolutely no choice.

Quote #5

Worse than that […], he had allowed Brother Leon to blackmail him. If teachers did this kind of thing, what kind of world could it be? (16.45)

Brother Leon gives David an F on his paper to manipulate him into revealing that Jerry's initial refusal is just a Vigil stunt. David doesn't seem to care about The Vigils, but the fact that he trades the info for the chance at a better grade is a huge blow to his self-esteem. He no longer trusts himself or Leon.

Quote #6

Was it because of what Brother Leon does to people like Bailey, they way he tortures them, tries to make fools of them in front of everybody? (18.15)

Jerry's refusal to sell chocolates is a stand against manipulation, even though he isn't completely aware of this. He's in the thick of things, and even his own motivations aren't clear to him.