The Chocolate War Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If the sale goes down the drain, you and The Vigils also go down the drain. Believe me…" (24.30)

Sometimes manipulation can be quite blunt and matter-of-fact, like here. Leon knows when the direct approach is effective and when to be slimy and seemingly subtle, like he is with David Caroni.

Quote #8

[…] he knew his days at Trinity would be numbered if he walked into that group of jubilant guys and told them to erase the fifty beside his name. (30.43)

The Vigils are manipulating the sales results to make it look like everybody is participating except Jerry. The Goober is indirectly manipulated into going along with their scheme.

Quote #9

"If you want to get under a guy's skin, accuse him of being something he isn't. Otherwise, you're only telling him something he knows." (33.9)

Thanks for the evil advice, Archie. He knows that if you falsely accuse a person, he or she will go to great lengths to prove you wrong, and can thus be manipulated into acting against their own interests.