Eleanor & Park Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I don't actually have a home number," Eleanor said.

"Ah," Mrs. Dunne said, "I see. Would your dad know that?"

"Probably not," Eleanor said. She was surprised he even knew what school she went to. (17.24-26)

Here's a subtle way Eleanor deals with her dad's abandonment. Did he know she was living with the neighbors for a year? Did Eleanor's mom consider taking Eleanor to her dad's house? We think "no" is probably the answer to both of those questions.

Quote #5

He was always dropping hints about her weight. Well, he used to, anyway. Maybe when he stopped caring about her altogether, he'd stopped caring about that, too. (19.2)

Eleanor hints here that maybe there was a point when her dad did care about her a tiny bit, but that time has long since passed.

Quote #6

Their dad couldn't stand having them even for a few days. He used to pick them up from their mom's house, then drop them off at his mom's house, while he went off and did whatever it was that he did on the weekend. (19.8)

Eleanor's dad really sent a clear message that he didn't want Eleanor and her siblings at all. He didn't have the kids during the week, and when he did have them, he left them with his mom. Father of the year, right? Not so much.