Fangirl Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

Reagan wore eyeliner all the way around her eyes. Like a hard-ass Kate Middleton. And even though she was bigger than most girls—big hips, big chest, wide shoulders—she carried herself like she was exactly the size everyone else wanted to be. (6.101)

Revelation: If you truly think you're awesome, other people will too. Want other people to think you're hot? Convince yourself first.

Quote #5

"Wear something that doesn't have Simon Snow on it, so that people won't assume your brain stopped developing when you were seven." (6.122)

Can you be too old to like things geared toward children? What's the cutoff age for Harry Potter or My Little Pony?

Quote #6

She was wearing a pink dress and brown tights, and brown ankle boots with heels and little green buttons up the side. They were Cath's boots, but Cath was never brave enough to wear them. (7.107)

It's not so much about bravery as life experience. You can be confident in some ways and still awkward in others—for example, Cath's confident in her fanfiction-writing abilities, but footwear is another story.