Fangirl Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"Look at you. All sweatered up. What are those, leg sweaters?" (9.11)

Cath goes into Starbucks looking like the poster child for knitting, but hey, it's winter in Omaha. Levi still makes her special coffee. Moral of the story: Legwarmers are awesome.

Quote #8

He was wearing a thick, navy blue turtleneck sweater that made him look like he was serving on a Soviet battleship. Like, even more so than usual. (12.22)

Writer girl Cath has a tendency to imagine people as characters, to assign them imaginary histories, based on what they're wearing. We all do it to some extent, but Cath does it more creatively than most.

Quote #9

When she and Wren divided up their clothes, Wren had taken anything that said "party at a boy's place" or "leaving the house." Cath had taken everything that said "up all night writing" or "it's okay to spill tea on this." (16.141)

The way Cath and Wren look on the outside shows the way they feel on the inside—Wren acts out, and Cath acts in. When their mom left was when they split into two separate people.