Freak the Mighty Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm running right and then left, running blind and just letting Freak decide which way we should go because he must have a plan, a dude as smart as that. (7.20)

Max trusts Freak because he's so smart. We're not so sure, but braininess isn't on the top of our list of qualities we'd want for someone who was riding on our shoulders guiding us around. Balance might be nice.

Quote #5

"Sure it will hurt. But so what? Pain is just a state of mind. You can think your way out of anything, even pain." (9.48)

Freak sure puts a whole lot of faith in thinking. What do you think: is Freak hiding behind his brains, or does he really think all this stuff?

Quote #6

So what I do, I just shrug and smile and wait, because I know she will get tired of asking and move on to the next. As a matter of fact I do know the answer. (13.5)

Max might not be as dumb as he looks, eh? But if he knows the answer, why doesn't he pipe up?