Hoot Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I talked to my dad and he said they can build whatever they want on that land, long as they've got the legal papers. There's nothing we can do."

Mullet Fingers grinned. "'We?" (14.96-97)

And the bromance begins. Mullet Fingers picked up on it and so did we. With one little word, Roy indicates to Mullet Fingers that he cares about the owls and the two of them are a team now.

Quote #8

"You crossed the line, and why? 'Cause you cared about what happened to me," he said to Roy, "just like I care about what happens to them weird little owls." (14.104)

And for those of you taking notes, Mullet Fingers cares a whole lot about "them weird little owls." So it's a pretty hefty comparison to say that Roy cares about him just the same. But he also makes a great point. Roy wouldn't have lied for Mullet Fingers at the hospital if he didn't care about him.

Quote #9

"I'm sorry about this, I really am," Beatrice said. "It's just, uh, things got kinda hairy at home. I didn't know where else to go." (16.122)

Being a star soccer jock, you can bet that Beatrice has loads of friends. But when she needs a place to crash, she turns to Roy for help. And like a good friend, he lets Beatrice stay the night.