Exile Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was a very long day—very cramped and very dull (18.7)

Not only is Wanderer imprisoned in a tiny cave, she's not allowed much social interaction either. And as we've learned from all our talk about community, humans need companionship.

Quote #5

My prison was a sensory deprivation chamber. (18.50)

This prison is pretty much the worst. Wanderer has been put inside a human host to experience the world, and all she gets to experience is a cold, dark, cave. Plus, a soul's existence without a host is absolute sensory deprivation. In the prison hole, Wanda might as well not even have a body.

Quote #6

I felt my way back to my prison hole. (27.1)

When Wanda encounters something about the humans that she doesn't like, she willing exiles herself. That's a nice (or not-so-nice) physical reminder that she doesn't fit in with the rest of them.