Exile Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I sat in the blackness of the big hole in the ground and grieved for lost souls with a human at my side. (40.142)

Here's another instance of Wanda willingly trying to exile herself from the humans. Ian, however, won't let her be by herself, no matter how hard she tries. Give a soul some space, dude!

Quote #8

I was surrounded, outnumbered. I imagined what this might feel like for Jared. (44.49)

Here, Wanda realizes that she's an exile from her own community. She's now identified herself with the humans, so she has to pretend to be normal around others of her species. She's passing, and it's not fun.

Quote #9

"The Flowers are the farthest, and the Dolphins, Bears, and Spiders all take at least a century to go one way." (53.45)

Without a host body, a soul is effectively in exile, unable to communicate with anything. Wanda wants to make sure they send the removed souls to a galaxy far, far away so they're not able to tattle on the humans. Or bring Jabba the Hutt back with them.