How I Live Now Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He just looks at me in a sad sort of way with his tired eyes and says very softly Aren't there enough troubles in the world without this too? And for once I don't know what to say. (1.12.11)

Sigh. This kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it? Daisy doesn't even know how to respond to the soldier, in the midst of a war, who has undoubtedly seen countless suffering thrust upon people through no fault of their own. And yet, she's willingly to consciously undertake her own suffering.

Quote #5

I caught her looking pretty puzzled a few times when she saw me nibbling at bits of lunch when everyone else was wolfing down anything in sight and I could tell, war or no war, she was thinking If Only I Had Her Self Control. (1.20.20)

Is it just us, or is Daisy nuts to be thinking that nibbling and picking at her food during wartime is something that everyone's just looking at with jealousy and admiration? We're guessing the girl looking at her is more likely wondering what the heck is wrong with Daisy, but that might just be us.

Quote #6

With nothing else to do except notice how hungry and thirsty we were and how much our blisters hurt we went to sleep and only woke up when the world started crashing with thunder […] but amazingly our little hut turned out to be watertight. (1.23.34)

What a beautiful moment, illustrating that it sometimes takes brutal suffering, misery, and pain to appreciate the little things you do have, like a roof over your head to protect you from the storm.