How I Live Now Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For the first time I noticed how skinny Piper was which once upon a time I would have thought was a good thing and now I thought was just what happens when you're nine years old and don't have enough food to grow properly. (1.24.12)

This is the first of several revelations for Daisy, the first moment it occurs to her that being skinny isn't always a good thing and maybe sometimes it actually means that you're starving and don't have enough food to eat, as is the case with Piper right now.

Quote #8

As I started to eat the pieces of mushroom I suddenly thought All this time I've been starving, and without noticing I said it out loud, so that Piper said So have I, without even looking up and I thought No you haven't, not in the same way and I hope you never are. (1.25.8)

Time for revelatory moment number two: It finally really hits Daisy that she's been starving herself this whole time. It's totally heartbreaking, though, when Piper says that she has been, too.

Quote #9

One funny thing was that I didn't look but different from the day I arrived in England but the difference now was I ate what I could. Somewhere along the line I'd lost the will not to eat. (1.28.13)

Here we witness moment of reflection for Daisy about her transformation. On the surface, things are similar, but beneath the surface, her attitude toward suffering, pain, self-destruction, and starvation has totally turned around. Wartime struggles have worn down her much-bragged about self-control.