I'll Give You The Sun Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I see Brian being escorted into the closet, not by Courtney, but by my sister. My sister. How is this happening? This can't be happening. (3.694-3.696)

Noah's been treating Jude like garbage all summer, so she gets back at him by making a move on his love interest. Low blow.

Quote #5

I put my finger on the delete button and press hard, press murderously. I call the rest up, each one more awesome and strange and cool than the next, and wipe them out, one by one, until every trace of my sister's talent is gone from the world and only mine is left. (3.741)

In a fit of fury, Noah deletes all his photos of his sister's sand sculptures. It's not the first time he's sabotaged her artistic pursuits.

Quote #6

How can the same guy who took those photos of me and wrote those notes to me be making out with another girl on the other side of this door? (4.818)

You know who else is low-down dirty dog? Oscar, who nearly breaks Jude's heart when he hooks up with another girl. Sure, she snuck into his room and is creepily hiding in his closet, but there's a fine line between pseudo-stalkerishness and betrayal.