I'll Give You The Sun Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She's having an affair. She's cheating on Dad. She's a two-timer. A toilet-licking asshat liar. Mom! (5.422)

Noah does not take the news that his mother is having an affair well. She's not just betraying her husband; she's betraying her family.

Quote #8

What's happening right now, all the rage and confusion, the hurt and helplessness, the betrayal, it's a blowing volcano inside me and out of my mouth flies, "He's gay, Courtney! Brian Connelly is gay!" (5.437)

Having just found out his mother's having an affair, Noah is in a bad place. Seeing his love interest with a girl doesn't exactly help matters. Outing Brian is pretty toilet-licking as a betrayal on Noah's part, but it's easy to see how it happened. Again, not that that makes it better.

Quote #9

Dad drove us to the post office to mail off the applications.…I only mailed mine. I took from my brother the thing he wanted most in the world. What kind of person does that? (6.83-6.85)

This one's a doozy: Jude straight-up trashes Noah's application to art school. The disappointment of not getting in nearly ruins his life.