I'll Give You The Sun Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If Mom and Dad were drowning, who would we save first? (Me: Mom, duh. Jude: depends on her mood.) And there's the other variation: If we were drowning, who would Dad save first? (Jude.) (1.166)

Noah and Jude are competitive to a degree that's maybe just a teeny tiny bit unhealthy, as we can see in their morbid "Who would you save?" game.

Quote #5

Truth is, I think Mom and I had gotten used to not noticing her when the three of us were together. (3.91)

Noah and his mom have a special bond that sometimes leaves Jude feeling like a third wheel. Which is, um, not exactly about to qualify her for any Best Mom awards.

Quote #6

So quietly I can barely make out the words, she says, "She's my mom too. Why can't you share?" (3.131)

Jude is jealous of Noah's relationship with their mother. Why is her own relationship with Dianna so strained?