I'll Give You The Sun Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You start to wonder why your dead parent is more present and accounted for than the living one. Most of the time, I only know Dad's home because I hear a toilet flush or the TV turn on. (4.57)

It sounds like poor old Dad has sort of checked out of life since the sudden death of his wife. Good thing the ghost of Grandma Sweetwine has been keeping Jude company. (Well, sort of a good thing.)

Quote #8

I look at the two of them mirroring each other across the table and realize: They are father and son, just not by blood. I didn't know that family members could just find each other, choose each other like they have. (4.338)

What do you think drew Oscar and Guillermo to one another? Is there any other evidence in the novel of characters who "choose each other" for family, even if they're not biologically related?

Quote #9

A week after Dad's forgotten birthday, with the rain beating the crap out of the house, Mom and Dad seat Jude and me in the frozen part of the living room that no one ever sits in to inform us that Dad's temporarily moving down to the Lost Cove Hotel. (5.174)

And if you think that sounds dramatic, just wait till Mom accidentally drives off a cliff.