Jurassic Park Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Jurassic Park.

Quote #4

JOHN HAMMOND: No drivers. They're electric. They run on this track in the middle of the roadway here. […] Totally non-polluting. Top of the line. Spared no expense.

We'd hate to see the bottom-of-the-line transport vehicles since these things don't even have a gas back-up. If the power goes out, as it tends to do in a tropical environment susceptible to storms, the passengers are completely helpless.

Quote #5

LEX: It's an interactive CD-ROM! You just touch the right part of the screen and it talks about whatever you want.

Today most media is digital, so it's hard to imagine that Jurassic Park would use CD technology in its transports. Wouldn't the CDs skip? Or need to load?

Quote #6

RAY ARNOLD: Item 151 on today's glitch list. We have all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo and the computers aren't even on their feet yet.

Samuel L. Jackson always tells it like it is. Here he describes exactly how difficult it is to get Jurassic Park off the ground. The themes of nature and technology combine, and both are working against them.