A Little Princess Sara Crewe Quotes

Sara Crewe

Quote 1

In fact, she herself scarcely remembered anything but that she walked up and down, saying over and over again to herself in a voice which did not seem her own, "My papa is dead! My papa is dead!" (7.155)

Well, this isn't depressing at all. Sara doesn't even have a friend to talk to about her loss, so she's left talking to herself. Someone get this girl a grief counselor, STAT.

Sara Crewe

Quote 2

"It's a lonely place," she said. "Sometimes it's the loneliest place in the world." (9.38)

Even though Sara tries to keep a stiff upper lip (yes, very British of her), she still can't help admitting it sometimes—her situation is kind of a bummer.

"I wish we could be 'best friends.' Would you have me for yours? You're clever and I'm the stupidest child in the school, but I—oh, I do so like you!" (3.68)

And then, Ermengarde gives her half of a heart necklace. Sara and Ermengarde feel a kinship toward each other even though everyone else thinks they're weird (for different reasons). Loners unite, right?