Luna Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Liam let him know how involved he was going to be in that little father/son project by going out and buying himself a Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Brand new. (12.2)

So much for father-son bonding time. Liam would probably much rather go bra shopping with his dad than build a car from scratch with him. His dad can't accept this though, and feels hurt and betrayed.

Quote #8

Then he lifted his head and said the weirdest thing: "Dad is my hero. Doesn't he know that? I feel like I spend my whole life trying to prove it." (12.113)

Even though their relationship is difficult, Liam still wants to gain their dad's approval. He may want to grow up to look like his mom, but he still wants to be loved and accepted by his dad.

Quote #9

I had the strongest urge to run to Dad and hug him, the way I used to. To hold onto him, feel him lift me in the air and make me fly; spin me around until we were both giddy with glee. Daddy's girly whirligig. (14.36)

Things are getting pretty complicated in the household with a couple of hormonal teenagers running around and such. The relationship with Regan's dad isn't as simple as it used to be—she can't just twirl around in his arms and feel secure anymore.