A Mango-Shaped Space Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"Sundays are supposed to be family time, you being considered family of course. She shouldn't come over on a Sunday morning. She's the rude one if you ask me." (10.36)

Jenna gets annoyed when her dad invites his girlfriend over on a Sunday since that's family time. Ever since her mom died, Sundays are sacred to her and they shouldn't be messed with. While she's ticked at her dad, Jenna shows us how families can bond together through their traditions, especially when someone dies.

Quote #5

My new powers lasted until I went to sleep, and that was really late because I was up watching my family's clouds interact with one another. I could tell that when my mother agreed to host my dad's poker game at the house, she didn't really want to. But I could also tell how grateful Dad was. (11.1)

After acupuncture, Mia can tell where people are just by the colors floating through the house. Pretty cool, right? Even though Mia would never say it like this, her family really cares about and loves each other.

Quote #6

As soon as I get into the house I'm bombarded with the colors of my family. Just by the patches in the air I can tell who has recently been in which rooms. (12.9)

We like to think we can tell a lot about our families, even without synesthesia, but for Mia, her sense of her family is enhanced big time since she can actually see their pheromones interact. Whoa.