Much Ado About Nothing: Act 5, Scene 4 Translation

A side-by-side translation of Act 5, Scene 4 of Much Ado About Nothing from the original Shakespeare into modern English.

  Original Text

 Translated Text

  Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Enter Leonato, Benedick, Beatrice, Margaret, Ursula,
Leonato’s brother, Friar, Hero.

Did I not tell you she was innocent?

So are the Prince and Claudio, who accused her
Upon the error that you heard debated.
But Margaret was in some fault for this,
Although against her will, as it appears 5
In the true course of all the question.

Well, I am glad that all things sorts so well.

And so am I, being else by faith enforced
To call young Claudio to a reckoning for it.

Well, daughter, and you gentlewomen all, 10
Withdraw into a chamber by yourselves,
And when I send for you, come hither masked.
The Prince and Claudio promised by this hour
To visit me.—You know your office, brother.
You must be father to your brother’s daughter, 15
And give her to young Claudio.

The ladies exit.

Which I will do with confirmed countenance.

The folks gathered at Leonato's for the wedding are happy with the way things have turned out. Hero, Prince Don Pedro, and Claudio have all been proven innocent of their "crimes," and Margaret's been cleared, too.  

Leonato’s glad everything got sorted, and Benedick is glad that he won’t have to kill or severely maim his friend Claudio.

It’s about time for Don Pedro and Claudio to arrive, so Leonato tells the ladies to go away and not come back until they’re called. When they arrive, they should all have their faces masked.

Leonato's Brother, Antonio, will pretend the masked girl he's presenting to Claudio for marriage is his daughter, when actually it’s Hero!

Friar, I must entreat your pains, I think.

FRIAR To do what, signior?

To bind me, or undo me, one of them.— 20
Signior Leonato, truth it is, good signior,
Your niece regards me with an eye of favor.

That eye my daughter lent her; ’tis most true.

And I do with an eye of love requite her.

The sight whereof I think you had from me, 25
From Claudio, and the Prince. But what’s your will?

Your answer, sir, is enigmatical.
But for my will, my will is your goodwill
May stand with ours, this day to be conjoined
In the state of honorable marriage— 30
In which, good friar, I shall desire your help.

My heart is with your liking.

FRIAR And my help.
Here comes the Prince and Claudio.

With the ladies out of the room, Benedick speaks with Leonato and Friar Francis. He says that Beatrice loves him (which Leonato says is thanks to Hero), and the he loves Beatrice (which Leonato then credits to himself, Don Pedro, and Claudio). 

Benedick doesn’t quite understand what Leonato means, but he does say he’d like to be married to Beatrice today if possible. 

Leonato gives his blessing, and the Friar says he's happy to perform the service. Double wedding, everybody!

Enter Prince, and Claudio, and two or three other.

PRINCE Good morrow to this fair assembly. 35

Good morrow, prince; good morrow, Claudio.
We here attend you. Are you yet determined
Today to marry with my brother’s daughter?

I’ll hold my mind were she an Ethiope.

Call her forth, brother. Here’s the Friar ready. 40

Leonato’s brother exits.

Good morrow, Benedick. Why, what’s the matter
That you have such a February face,
So full of frost, of storm, and cloudiness?

I think he thinks upon the savage bull.
Tush, fear not, man. We’ll tip thy horns with gold, 45
And all Europa shall rejoice at thee,
As once Europa did at lusty Jove
When he would play the noble beast in love.

Bull Jove, sir, had an amiable low,
And some such strange bull leapt your father’s cow 50
And got a calf in that same noble feat
Much like to you, for you have just his bleat.

When Claudio arrives, Leonato asks if he's still ready to marry Antonio’s daughter.

Claudio graciously replies that he’ll marry her even if she’s an Ethiope (way to be racist, Shakespeare.)

Leonato sends his brother off to get his "daughter."

Prince Don Pedro and Claudio start heckling Benedick, who they think is looking out of sorts. 

Benedick is probably nervous about getting married, but he doesn’t tell his buddies that yet. Instead he compares Claudio’s mom to a cow.

For this I owe you. Here comes other reck’nings.

Enter Leonato’s brother, Hero, Beatrice, Margaret,
Ursula, the ladies masked.

Which is the lady I must seize upon?

This same is she, and I do give you her. 55

Why, then, she’s mine.—Sweet, let me see your face.

No, that you shall not till you take her hand
Before this friar and swear to marry her.

CLAUDIO, to Hero
Give me your hand before this holy friar.
They take hands.
I am your husband, if you like of me. 60

And when I lived, I was your other wife,
And when you loved, you were my other husband.

She unmasks.

Another Hero!

HERO Nothing certainer.
One Hero died defiled, but I do live, 65
And surely as I live, I am a maid.

The former Hero! Hero that is dead!

She died, my lord, but whiles her slander lived.

All this amazement can I qualify,
When after that the holy rites are ended, 70
I’ll tell you largely of fair Hero’s death.
Meantime let wonder seem familiar,
And to the chapel let us presently.

Before Claudio can call Benedick’s mom a heifer, Antonio re-enters with all the masked ladies.

Claudio wants to see his soon-to-be wife's face, but Leonato says he has to take her hand and accept her first.

Claudio takes the mystery girl’s hand and swears that he’s her husband, if she’ll have him.

Hero whips off her mask, and Claudio is psyched to see "another Hero." 

Hero says that the Hero who was slandered is dead, but this Hero—who is still an innocent maiden—lives. 

Prince Don Pedro then declares this is the former Hero, the one that's dead. least they're getting warmer. 

Leonato clarifies that Hero was "dead" only while her slander lived on.

The Friar says he'll explain everything, but for now, they should just roll with it and get this marriage in the books.

Soft and fair, friar.—Which is Beatrice?

BEATRICE, unmasking
I answer to that name. What is your will? 75

Do not you love me?

BEATRICE Why no, no more than reason.

Why then, your uncle and the Prince and Claudio
Have been deceived. They swore you did.

Do not you love me? 80

BENEDICK Troth, no, no more than reason.

Why then, my cousin, Margaret, and Ursula
Are much deceived, for they did swear you did.

They swore that you were almost sick for me.

They swore that you were well-nigh dead for me. 85

’Tis no such matter. Then you do not love me?

No, truly, but in friendly recompense.

Come, cousin, I am sure you love the gentleman.

There’s another hold up on the way to the chapel when Benedick stops the Friar and asks which masked lady is Beatrice.

Beatrice steps forth and asks what he wants. 

Next, they play a game of chicken with their love: neither one of them wants to be the first to declare their love publicly, and at the same time they're realizing they were played by their friends. 

And I’ll be sworn upon ’t that he loves her,
For here’s a paper written in his hand, 90
A halting sonnet of his own pure brain,
Fashioned to Beatrice.

He shows a paper.

HERO And here’s another,
Writ in my cousin’s hand, stol’n from her pocket,
Containing her affection unto Benedick. 95

She shows a paper.

BENEDICK A miracle! Here’s our own hands against
our hearts. Come, I will have thee, but by this light
I take thee for pity.

BEATRICE I would not deny you, but by this good day, I
yield upon great persuasion, and partly to save your 100
life, for I was told you were in a consumption.

BENEDICK Peace! I will stop your mouth.

They kiss.

They’re about to shake hands and relegate each other to a life of being in simply the friend zone, but thankfully Hero and Claudio pipe up.

Claudio shows off a little note he’s stolen—it’s a really bad poem in Benedick’s handwriting, clearly meant for Beatrice.

Hero is also a thief, as she’s taken from her cousin Beatrice’s pocket a similar note, declaring Beatrice’s love for Benedick.

Benedick and Beatrice realize their hands have revealed their hearts.

They tease that they’re only marrying each other out of pity, until Benedick says, "I know how to shut you up," and plants a big kiss on Beatrice. 

How dost thou, Benedick, the married man?

BENEDICK I’ll tell thee what, prince: a college of
wit-crackers cannot flout me out of my humor. 105
Dost thou think I care for a satire or an epigram?
No. If a man will be beaten with brains, he shall
wear nothing handsome about him. In brief, since I
do purpose to marry, I will think nothing to any
purpose that the world can say against it, and 110
therefore never flout at me for what I have said
against it. For man is a giddy thing, and this is my
conclusion.—For thy part, Claudio, I did think to
have beaten thee, but in that thou art like to be my
kinsman, live unbruised, and love my cousin. 115

CLAUDIO I had well hoped thou wouldst have denied
Beatrice, that I might have cudgeled thee out of thy
single life, to make thee a double-dealer, which out
of question thou wilt be, if my cousin do not look
exceeding narrowly to thee. 120

BENEDICK Come, come, we are friends. Let’s have a
dance ere we are married, that we may lighten our
own hearts and our wives’ heels.

LEONATO We’ll have dancing afterward.

BENEDICK First, of my word! Therefore play, music.— 125
Prince, thou art sad. Get thee a wife, get thee a wife.
There is no staff more reverend than one tipped
with horn.

Enter Messenger.

MESSENGER, to Prince
My lord, your brother John is ta’en in flight,
And brought with armed men back to Messina. 130

BENEDICK, to Prince Think not on him till tomorrow.
I’ll devise thee brave punishments for him.—Strike
up, pipers!

Music plays. They dance.
They exit.

Prince Don Pedro again teases Benedick about getting married (in spite of how often he railed against it). 

Benedick says nobody can wreck his mood today, and he won't listen to any bad words about marriage—not even his own. Then he tells Claudio that he would have kicked his butt if they had ever dueled, but he'll let Claudio off the hook now that their related by marriage. 

Claudio jests that he hoped Benedick wouldn’t marry Beatrice, as Claudio wanted to see Benedick become a married man and also a cheater. Then again, Benedick might end up being a cheater anyway...if Beatrice doesn’t keep a close eye on him. (If this is his best man toast, it needs work.)

Benedick calls for dancing, though Leonato thinks they really should have marriages before dancing. The old man is ignored, and Benedick calls for music.

Then Benedick teases Don Pedro about needing to get a wife.

Finally, randomly, a messenger comes in and announces that Don John was captured and brought back to Messina. 

Benedick counsels Don Pedro to not worry about this right now, and instead, to be merry, and everyone exits in a dance.