My Heartbeat Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We are sprawled across his bed, surrounded by drafts of his essay. I know that if James were somebody else, I would not fearlessly lie around on a bed with him. It amazes me how I have turned into a girl who worries about sex. Both having it and not having it. Less than a year ago, I was a girl bringing home notes that detailed my inability to socialize. And now James and I navigate around each other's bodies, trying to establish boundaries even as we erase them. (10.57)

Ellen thinks her relationship with James is symbolic of her triumph over antisocial tendencies, but is she really any more social than before? She has opened up to James, yes, but he is only one person, plus her revelations to him are more physical than emotional.

Quote #8

"Watching Mom be afraid of Link is harder than smiling at strangers."

I remember my first day at Cedar Hill and how tired and nervous it made me to smile at everyone. I now feel more tired and nervous in my own home. (12.7-8)

School and it's requisite socializing can be really hard on introverts. Walking on eggshells in your own home can be equally exhausting.

Quote #9

It occurs to me that the person who has taught me the most about the art of evasive language and behavior is neither of my skilled parents but by brother. How strange that we should have this crucial bit in common and yet be so different. So separate. (14.15)

Is it that strange? If the trait they share is evasive maneuvers, then maybe they're just too good at evading each other. If they were to open up to each other and stop dodging the other's attention, maybe they would realize they aren't alone.