Pedro Páramo Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He could see it, as easy if it were already done. And what does a woman matter, after all. (20.4)

Dolores is a pawn in Pedro's economic game, and Fulgor admires the way he plays her. No one sentence sums up the misogyny rampant in Comala like "And what does a woman matter, after all."

Quote #8

"And what if my father has a fit and dies? As old as he is… I'd never forgive myself if something happened to him because of me. I'm the only one he has to see that he takes care of himself. There's no one else. Why are you in such a hurry to steal me from him? Wait just a little longer. It won't be long till he dies." (27.2)

Chona, one of the townspeople, is torn between her duty as a good daughter who takes care of her father, and a good wife who will obediently go with her soon-to-be husband. She's unable to fulfill both family roles satisfactorily.

Quote #9

"Just think of it as something I did, Fulgor. The boy couldn't have done a thing like that; he doesn't have the guts yet to kill a man. That takes balls this big." And he held his hands apart as if he was measuring a squash. (37.33)

Pedro considers crime to be something that men commit, and connects the size of his testicles to his capacity for violence. This shows the kind of actions that society expects of men in the novel.